My favourite times of the day are early in the morning and late in the evening, before dusk sets in. The sun quite unconsciously dapples the world with a warm glow, pulls out a few shadows and causes little triangular blobs of sunlight to shyly make their way to my bathroom wall.
I like the early morning five thirty sky best. It’s as brilliant as a blue can get, with shimmers of cloud that slowly rolls itself along the sky. A few kites soar high up and lazily drift along and an entire town gathering of parakeets takes place on three accommodating Gulmohar trees.
I only make the acquaintance of the early morning five thirty sky on days of exams, when I trudge up to the terrace for some last minute studying with the hope that the fresh air would massage the grey cells into shape.
I like the six o’ clock sun because it likes to sharpen colour contrast and peeps out from behind trees. The six o’ clock sun is more liquid. Sometimes little glops of sunlight fall unintentionally on unsuspecting objects like the side of a bridge and rowdy boys playing cricket. It’s comforting to watch. The six o’ clock sun likes serenity.
I forgot to mention the four o’ clock sun, which isn’t really late in the evening. I like the four o’ clock sun because of certain shadows of leaves that they cast on two faces in a railway station.
I really love this Anisha. And you've been writing! Has college not started just yet?